Small Car - Gold Valet Wash
Small Car - Gold Valet Wash


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas finibus felis nunc, in sagittis dolor molestie eget. Mauris tempus felis ac urna sollicitudin euismod vitae efficitur lacus. Pellentesque sit amet tempus diam. In luctus facilisis ullamcorper. Donec orci felis, pulvinar nec nisl sed, egestas consectetur est. Nunc vitae elit sed erat vestibulum porta. Vestibulum a purus eu orci pharetra varius vel vitae lectus. Aenean condimentum faucibus convallis. Quisque nec fringilla ipsum, eu posuere neque. Proin vel elementum erat. Sed quis tempus arcu. Proin auctor velit id fermentum lobortis. Pellentesque in risus in urna feugiat pretium. Quisque sollicitudin libero a est ultricies, vel laoreet risus interdum.

  • Car soaked with traffic film remover (tfr)
  • Pressure washed down
  • Washed with high quality shampoo using woolen mits
  • Rinsed off with high pressure wate
  • Wax rinse applied
  • Wheels have our acid treatment applied
  • Fully dried using microfiber cloths
  • Tyres and wheels cleaned and dressed
  • Full protection wax
  • INSIDE -
  • Hoover drivers seat and foot well
  • Hoover of the passanger seat and footwell
  • Hoover of the rear seats and footwels
  • Dashboard cleaned and shined
  • Center console cleaned and shined
  • All front plastics cleaned and shined
  • Windscreen cleaned
  • Drivers and passanger windows cleaned
  • Driver , passanger and rear mats cleaned
  • Car deodorised
  • Boot fully hoovered
  • Back seat plastics cleaned and shined
  • Back windows and boot
  • All seats deep clean shampooed and dried ( removing any stains or smells )

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